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How to Calculate Child Support in Yorkville and Kendall County?

 Posted on March 03,2023 in Divorce and Family Law

Kendall County Child Support 101

This article summarizes Illinois Child Support. Child support guidelines determine child support in Yorkville and Kendall County. See 750 ILCS 5/505. The income shares model is the child support enacted legislation, effective on January 1, 2019. The child support model calculates total household net income and computes each parent’s percentage of combined net income. Based upon the household’s net income and each parent’s percentage of net income towards the total household income is how Kendall County Child Support is calculated now. 750 ILCS 5/505(1).

Illinois child support aims to make child support obligations more equitable between the custodian and non-custodial parent. Thus, both parents' income shall be considered, and a parent not working may have their income attributed, meaning the Court can establish a baseline net income for that parent. 

The Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services has developed a worksheet that created an Illinois policy for what Illinois considers an adequate amount of child support. In addition, here is the Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Service's Child Support Calculator, designed to simplify the Illinois child support process for parents. See Child Support Estimator (

Sometimes, a deviation from the standard child support guidelines is appropriate. In Illinois, parents have a duty to pay child support. The Court may deviate from the standard child support guidelines under one of the following circumstances when it is in the child’s best interests:

  • The Financial resources and needs of the child;
  • The Financial resources and needs of the parents;
  • The standard of living the child would have enjoyed had the marriage or civil union not been dissolved;
  • The physical and emotional condition of the child and their educational needs.

See 750 ILCS 5/505(a)(2).

In our experience, parents with self-employed parents; have variable incomes, and unique circumstances may warrant a deviation from child support guidelines in Yorkville and Kendall County Circuit Court. The old child support policy in Illinois and Kendall County was based upon the non-custodial parent's income, which was assigned a percentage of their income based on the number of children in their household. Unlike the previous child support policy, the new policy better factors in both parents' net income and abilities to pay child support.

Kendall County Child Support Attorneys in Yorkville, Illinois

The lawyers of Gateville Law Firm concentrate on Yorkville and Kendall County Child Support. In addition, our lawyers travel to nearby counties and assist parents with their child support needs for their divorce, family, paternity, and Illinois. Our law firm is experienced and has sufficient lawyers and staff to represent the interests of men and women exceptionally. Our attorneys, paralegals, and staff are well-equipped and passionate about helping their clients solve their divorce, family, and child support problems.

Contact Your Experienced Kendall County Child Support Attorneys Today

Contact one of our attorneys at 630-780-1034 to set up your initial child support consultation. We offer telephone, zoom, and in-person consultations nearby Yorkville, Illinois.



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