Sandwich Estate Planning Lawyer

Estate Planning Attorney Serving Somonauk
No one likes to think about their own mortality, but estate planning is an important step in ensuring that your family members or other loved ones will be provided for after your death. An estate plan can help to ensure that your family members will have the financial resources they need, and it can also give you the assurance that your final wishes will be carried out correctly. In addition, estate planning can help to reduce disagreements among family members and make the process of grieving a little easier. While it may not be the most pleasant task, estate planning is an important part of being prepared for the future.
While the thought of estate planning may be daunting, the peace of mind that comes from knowing you have addressed your family's future needs can be invaluable. At Gateville Law Firm, we can help you explore the different estate planning options available to you, and we will help you make informed decisions about what is best for you and your family. We will work with you to determine the best ways to use and preserve your assets while making sure your wishes will be followed in the event of a serious illness or death.
Creating Wills and Trusts in Sandwich
There are multiple types of tools that can be used in a comprehensive estate plan, but most plans will include wills and trusts. Your last will and testament will detail your wishes for how your assets should be distributed after your death, and it can also appoint a guardian for your minor children. By providing clear instructions for how these matters should be handled, you can ensure that your loved ones will be able to avoid uncertainty or disputes about your wishes.
A trust is a legal entity that can hold and manage assets on behalf of another person. Different types of trusts can be used for different purposes. A living trust can be used to manage assets during your lifetime and distribute them after your death. This type of trust can be especially helpful if you have minor children or if you want to ensure that assets will be distributed according to your wishes while avoiding the time and expense of probate. Irrevocable trusts may be used for asset protection purposes, and special needs trusts can provide assistance for loved ones with disabilities while ensuring that they will still be eligible for public benefits. We can help you understand whether joint or individual trusts will address your needs, and we will ensure that trusts will be created, funded, and managed correctly.
Addressing Incapacity and End-of-Life Care in Somonauk
In addition to detailing what will happen after your death, your estate plan can also address how matters will be handled in situations where you are seriously ill and cannot make decisions for yourself or are unable to make your wishes known. Powers of attorney can be used to appoint a trusted individual to make financial or medical decisions on your behalf if you become incapacitated. Advance medical directives can be used to give your family and doctors guidance about your preferences for end-of-life care. By addressing these issues ahead of time, you can help your loved ones avoid uncertainty, and you can make sure your wishes will be followed at all times.
Contact Our Sandwich Estate Planning Attorney
While estate planning can be a complex process, working with an experienced attorney can help ensure that your and your family members will be fully prepared for the future. Gateville Law Firm can help you create a comprehensive estate plan that will address your unique needs and circumstances. Contact us at 630-780-1034 today to set up a free consultation and get started with planning for your future. For 99 percent of our clients, we are able to create comprehensive estate plans at flat rates rather than charging hourly fees for legal services.
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