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What Is an Uncontested Divorce In Yorkville, Illinois?

 Posted on March 14, 2023 in Divorce and Family Law

Yorkville Uncontested Divorce Attorney-Flat Fee Attorneys

Divorce is a difficult time and resolving your divorce in a cost-effective manner is a wise

decision. An uncontested divorce is a divorce, which resolves the major issues in an amicable

way. Uncontested divorce means that the spouses can negotiate and resolve their major

differences in an amicable way.

Why Hire a Non-Divorce Litigator in Yorkville and Kendall County?

Divorce lawyers are litigators who excel at arguing. Transactional lawyers are the opposite of

litigators because we promote compromise and win-win compromises. Win-win compromises

result in compromises where both parties win (and lose on some issues).

Unlike a litigator, a non-divorce attorney does not want complex cases, which do not produce

compromise. Litigators want to bill hours and run-up legal bills. Here at Gateville Law Firm, we

produce the following benefits:

 Resolve your divorce in approximately 30-days

 Develop a win-win compromise, which produces similar results to long-fought divorce

cases. These divorce cases often result in similar outcomes to the initial predictions

 Hire an experienced former family and divorce lawyer that will anticipate with a

reasonable degree of certainty how the court would handle your divorce or custody


 Pay a fixed legal fee, which will not produce a bankruptcy filing or a foreclosure

 Address real estate issues with a law firm, which has a strong real estate and financial


 Minimize your issues and in case of a dispute, go in front of a Judge with one or two

issues at most (while resolving the other major issues)

 No years of counseling and therapy to resolve the deep conflict involved in a divorce or

custody proceedings

 No judgments against you for legal fees filed by your attorney

Litigators inability to mediate and negotiate make them good attorneys for complex dissolution

of marriage cases. Most divorce cases involve middle-class families that do not have the means

nor the desire to spend twenty thousand (or more) on a divorce. Unlike litigators, our desire is

to cost-effectively resolve your issues and finalize your divorce.

We have a strong family and divorce background. Our primary focus is uncontested divorces and

simple divorces. We assist spouses to negotiate a martial settlement agreement. Unlike most

divorce lawyers, we want to protect both spouses’ rights while assisting you to amicably resolve

your differences. An uncontested divorce is a win-win for both spouses and preserve the ability

of both parents to be loving and caring parents. Our goal is parallel to your goal because we want


minimum conflict divorces and spouses that can resolve their issues. We are happy to mediate

between you and your spouse. We want to resolve your divorce for $3,500 or less.

1 st Step: Drafting of Marital Settlement Agreement

A marital settlement agreement is a written document, which describes the financial, legal, and

child-related issues involved in a divorce. The marital settlement agreement addresses the

following issues:

 Spousal Support or otherwise known as “Alimony”

 Property Division and Liabilities

 Reason for Divorce

 Whether the parties have resided in the State of Illinois for at least 90 days prior to filing

for divorce

We are happy to calculate spousal maintenance or otherwise known as “alimony”. We are

willing to meet with both spouses and produce your agreement to writing. We can meet with

both spouses to resolve differences and produce compromise. Good candidates for an

uncontested divorce include the following:

 Couples with no spousal support or maintenance (nor children)

 Spouses with adult children

 Short-term marriages with minimal assets and desire shared custody

 Spouses that agree on the most issues and can reasonably negotiate their differences

 Spouses that have spousal support issues and can co-parent in the best interest of children

2nd Step: Petition for Dissolution of Marriage

A Petition for Dissolution of Marriage is a legal document filed in a divorce case. The Petition

for Dissolution of Marriage sets forth the basic facts about your case such as the following:

 Date of Marriage

 Reason for Divorce (“Irreconcible Differences”)

 Whether there are any children and if children, whether there are minor and/or adult

children (or disabled children)

 Whether residency and jurisdiction (and venue) are appropriate in the county and state

where the divorce is commenced

 How the parties want to resolve the case with respect to spousal maintenance, property

division, and/or child support (or custody issues)

3 rd Step: Judgment for Dissolution of Marriage

A Judgment for Dissolution of Marriage summarizes the basic facts about your marriage and

describes the terms regarding spousal maintenance, financial and property division, child support

and child support issues. The Judgment for Dissolution of Marriage is a legal document, which is

produced at the conclusion of the divorce case that incorporates your marital settlement

agreement and/or allocation judgment describing a party’s parenting plan.


Uncontested Divorce Lawyer in Yorkville and Nearby Areas of Kendall County, Illinois

In conclusion, the period of a divorce produces emotional trauma and financial distress. The

financial and emotional trauma resulting from a divorce is minimized with a collaborative or

uncontested divorce. Here at Gateville Law Firm, we charge flat-fee legal fees and assist couples

resolve their differences and produce uncontested divorces, which finalize your divorce. A

finalized divorce minimizes emotional harm for children and promotes an amicable divorce

process. Call us at 630-780-1034 to set-up your free initial legal consultation.

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